Grammar, the Naming of Parts
How does English grammar work? Grammar, the Naming of Parts is a handbook of basic definitions and activities, a self help ‘do it yourself’ workbook which is intended for all those who are interested in learning about the basic parts of speech in English grammar. Many of you will be adults who were never taught this in school, but who now find that you need to know just what things like conjunctions or adverbs actually are. Many of you will be teachers or student teachers, finding that you have to teach these terms to children, but are not too sure yourself whether you have got it right. Or you may be parents trying to deal with children’s questions over their homework. Or you may be a young person yourself wanting some basic information about how the language works.
You will find that there is an introduction, a set of definitions and exercises, and an annotated bibliography. In the introduction I briefly discuss some of the issues around the question of grammar. The set of definitions and activities constitute the main part of the handbook and are designed as a ‘teach yourself’ English grammar. The exercises are designed for you to be as creative as possible, and even have some fun in producing examples of your own and seeing how they fit. The bibliography offers suggestions for further reading.
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